Thursday, March 03, 2005

Uzbekistan - alien youth or true son of the homeland ?

The Uzbek authorities are worried about the youth of today - just when they thought they had a handle on the Islamist craze now it's wacky Western Democratic ideals, whatever next ?. A crackdown on foreign funded NGO's and restrictions on foreign diplomats would seem to be a way of keeping these corrupting influences at bay but other idea's have been floated, like a Central Asian Union of States. Given that ex-Soviet leaders rule all these states currently that looks like a club for like minded authoritarian rulers but it does show the governing classes are worried more from EurasiaNet... Are their concerns justfiied ? - a recent article in the German press, analysing the change of government in Ukraine, suggests they may not have anything to fear at present, but could have sooner than you might think More from SignandSight (and the Neuen Zürcher Zeitung)...


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