Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Turkey - 'sick man' slur resurfaces in editorials at dawn

A recent Wall Street Journal opinion piece has stirred up some comment in Turkey - no-one likes to be called second rate, and that old 'sick man of Europe' tag was never very popular. Rober L. Pollock pulled no punches in his article of 16th February, accusing the Turkish poltical class of being both hostile and decadent - cosying up to radical Islamist opinion and anti-semitism to vent their hatred of their ally of the past 50 years, the US, more from the Wall Street Journal.. The Turkish press have responded with editorials of their own, but Ekrem Dumanli thinks more maturity and moderation is called for on all sides. His view is that their is a difference between being anti-American and being anti-American policies, and that the WSJ article has deliberatly ignored this in order to sell a few more papers. Are journalists being increasingly irresponsible in commenting on Foreign news in order to shift more copy ?. Perhaps objectivity is a bit old fashioned more from the Zaman Daily News...


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