Sunday, February 06, 2005

US - outsourcing is collar colour blind

The North West of the US has been mulling over the impact of globalisation recently. Does it it raise all boats equally or just all yachts ? Statistics seem to show the overall impact is small, only a couple of percent of job losses can be put down to outsourcing. That doesn't make it any less painful if you're one of those who lose out, especially if you're a white collar worker who thought their job more secure than most, but a recent article has pointed out that the government has choices other than knee-jerk protectionism. Many jobs are being lost, not to cheaper countries like China or India but to more productive countries like Canada, Sweden and the UK. If the US wants to compete it will have to match other rich countries investment in education, and that does include China and India more from the Seattle Times... It may also be getting harder to blame, for example, the Chinese for these problems as a recent survey seems to show more Americans view China favourably than they did 10 years ago (the reverse of the Japanese survey quoted yesterday)and like the idea of cheap Chinese imports still more from the Seattle Times...


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