Monday, December 20, 2004

Kazakhstan - no votes for revolution

The presidents of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan have all made clear their public opposition to 'revolutions' like those nearby in Georgia and Ukraine. It's all a US backed plot they say. Some commentators agree and say such an approach is doomed in Central Asia as it's rulers see through the transparant 'interference' of so-called NGO's backed by Western money. Is there really a propoganda campaign starting about the upcoming parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan ? (all in the next 3 months)more from Asia Times... However, how to have more economically open and prosperous societies
without letting in George Soros and his Open (tool of the US) Society ?. Kazakhstan chooses to try and just take the money and more from Asia Times...
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Friday, December 17, 2004

China - hauling in the Net

It's claimed China has more journalists in jail than any other country and it certainly has a long history of state control of the press. So who would be a 'public intellectual' in China ? Plenty of people it seems more from the Asia Times ... This long article makes an interesting point, that the government is struggling to impose traditional censorship on a very non-traditional medium - the internet. If it can't, China will be a very different place, and maybe is already.
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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Uzbekistan - bazaar economics

Once one of Central Asia's better off states, Uzbekistan's economy has not impressed outside observers recently. Now internal dissent is stirring - is a touch of free trade magic needed ? That's certainly the view of many as the disastrous 'buy Uzbek' policy falters and trade tariffs begin to pinch. Globalisation fans will say this proves autarky is a turkey (seasonal gag)more from the BBC ...
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Monday, December 13, 2004

EU - no arms, not for all the tea in China

The EU is not for lifting the arms embargo with China, despite all the cash on offer. Doesn't money talk anymore ? There is talk of temporary arrangements that would allow a trial period of arms trading
more from the EU Observer ... The Chinese press know who is to blame though - the US for threatening to axe arms programs in the EU more from the Peoples Daily... With China becoming the EU's 2nd biggest trade partner some compromise is likely - like Chinese ratification of the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights after arms are sold.
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Saturday, December 11, 2004

Japan - shield of dreams. Build it and they won't come.

A recent security review explicitly named China and North Korea as threats. This has not gone down well with the neighbours. But it has been used as justification for changing the law preventing arms exports. Now parts can be built jointly with the US for a missile defense shield more from the Asahi Shimbun... The Chinese say this is entirely unjustified and doesn't take their "historical" concerns into account (i.e. concerns that the Japanese haven't really changed at all in 60 years) more from Japan Today... Maybe they're regretting all that sub based sabre rattling now.
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Thursday, December 09, 2004

N.Korea - is the good news good ?

South Korean media always feature plenty of speculation about the North but different sources stress different stories.The more conservative papers tend to mull over signs of collapse in their neighbours regime - like recent news from China that over a hundred high ranking army officers had 'defected'. A cautionary rider is usually added to say no collapse is imminent more from the Chosun Ilbo ... More liberal papers highlight signs of more liberal changes - like recent laws protecting private property. A cautionary rider is usually added to say no real progress is imminent more from the Joong Ang Daily...Maybe they're both right.

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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Georgia - that old Chestnut

It's not just the 'West' that's taking sides in the Ukraine. Georgia would like a Chestnut Revolution but other states in central Eurasia have a different take. More authoritarian states (Khazakstan) are shocked that anyone should complain about traditional vote rigging more from
EurasiaNet ...
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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Bulgaria - hidden cameras exposed

Prospective EU membership is already having an effect on local laws, giving a higher court to appeal to. Bulgaria hopes to be in the next wave (2007) with Romania and Croatia. So those wanting changes can point to EU human rights standards. A recent example is the case of carrying concealed cameras. Journalists are looking for a public interest defence against a law originally intended to control the security forces. A local journalist investigating cigarette smuggling and a BBC team exposing a corrupt Olympic official have been charged under this offence
more from The IWPR...

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Monday, December 06, 2004

EU - all aboard, maybe.

December 17th sees a decision on both Turkey and Croatia starting membership negotiations. Croatia hopes to join by 2007 - Turkey hopes to join. The 'Third Way' solution has been voted down by MEP's but recognition of Cyprus and some strong wording on Human Rights seems to be the price to pay more from The EU Observer...
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Thursday, December 02, 2004

S.Korea - red carpet treatment

President Roh is on a state visit to the UK today, the first such visit for a South Korean leader. Korean media noted the red carpet treatment and saw it as recognition of their democratic institutions and economic power more from Joong Ang Daily... You could follow that news in the North now - if you can hang on to your mobile. Chinese firms building cell masts near the border have inadvertantly linked the North and South more from Chosun Ilbo...
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Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Turkey - Val says be reasonable, not European

Valery Giscard d'Estaing has spelt it out for the Turks and it's a big fat NO - as in not now and not ever for EU membership. There is, he says, a softer option that should be applied to Ukraine and Morroco as well (but strangely not Bosnia). This would be economic only - like NAFTA. Is he revealing the real intentions of the Council of Ministers ? - who decide in December on whether to start membership talks for real more from Zaman...
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