Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Japan - sanctions are a possibility against N.Korea

The strange, but possibly true, 'abduction issue' may make some progress at last. Or not. Foreign Ministry officials are cautiously hoping for some results from a high level delegation to N.Korea to find some sort of explaination for the fate of ten missing Japanese citizens. Removing humanitaran aid is the stick , the re-election of Bush is another stick and removing the nuclear option through the Six Nations forum is yet another stick still. They may be right to be cautious more from Asahi Shimbun...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - the BBC also covered this story and add some detail: N Korea admitted some time ago that it had adbucted a number of people. Five were allowed to return to Japan recently and it claims the rest are dead. Japan is sceptical about this and wants more info. See story below.


10:07 PM  

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