Monday, November 01, 2004

S.Korea - money men hope for a Bush win

Tea-sipping Koreans mull over the implications of the US election for their economy. The business pages main worry is trade terms. Kerry is feared to be too 'protectionist' and may force the issue of some of the trade barriers that protect Korea's domestic market. Bush is seen as doing less for global stability but more for globalisation. The US is S.Korea's 2nd biggest trading partner and the biggest foreign investor>more from The Korean Herald...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting article. I would have thought the Koreans main concern with the US election would be to do with North-South relations - ie which president will have the best policy towards the North. But maybe that's covered elsewhere.

Here are some other Asian news sources I found just now (I recognise some which are good).

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear, the link didn't work (no surprise there). Here's another attempt:

here's the link I wanted to post

10:40 PM  

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