Sunday, October 09, 2005

US - Bush polls poorly

George Bush may have been mistranslated when he was quoted as saying God had told him to invade Iraq but that sort of talk of divine inspiration doesn't usually do any harm at the polls at home. The trouble is, the polls at home aren't so good any more - only 40% of those asked recently seem to think he's doing a good job....or maybe that's Job. The religious right - the cause of so much suspicion in Europe - are annoyed that their favoured candidates are not being put up for the Supreme Court, while conservatives who are looking for the rolling back of the state are appalled at the amount of big spenders that seem to be running the show (as well as at the whiff of corruption going with some of that spending). That doesn't mean anyone will vote for the Democrats though more from Slate... That the 'mission from God' story got so much coverage - I counted 209 related stories in Google News today for 'George Bush +'mission from God'' may be because it plays to negative stereotypes of the US and fears about George Bush in particular. Outside the US perhaps many people are afraid he, and other top members of government and the military, just might be a bit too zealous for comfort more from the Guardian...


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