Sunday, September 25, 2005

US - Young Earth ?

Opinion surveys from last year suggested 45 percent of Americans believe that God created humans in their present form 10,000 years ago (or less). It seems subtler versions of Creationism, like Intelligent Design, are being pushed aside by a more direct view how God created the world. This 'Young Earth Creationism' is a more straight-forward acceptance of the 7 day Genesis story. Explaining it's popularity to non-Americans may not be so straight-forward more from the Washington Post...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see the difference between "creationists" (whatever that might mean)"Intelligent design" advocacy groups & the Islamist and Jewish nutcases.
The hard-core pro terrorists muslim cells must bawl that Katrina and in a lesser extent Rita were part of Allah's "intelligent design".
If you believe in God, why do you feel obliged to rationalize your beliefs?. I think believing isn't something rational per se, so leave science where it is and don't mix up everything. And above all, why do you try to ram God down the throat of the ones who don't believe in "him/her". It must be the 100th time you hear this argument but how can you be anti-abortion (stop this "pro-life" P.C.ness, it drives us mad) and pro death penalty, a murderer is a children of God, after all. If you end up convicing a girl not to abort & she treats the baby so badly (s)he ends up killing one, two, three persons or more once (s)he turns 13. You'll sentence him to death w/o even blinking. I really can't understand you people.
You've got problems thousand times more important than these kindergarten fights, still you chose to focus on them. What's happening to your great nation, teared apart by useless strifes. Your political class doesn't represent you: the G.O.P.'s made of frauds & con artists and the Dems are drifting apart with no one honest & competent enough to take advantage of the situation.
I think it's up to you people to choose your future.

12:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reply to Anonymous - Everyone believes something. For example, most people believe our senses give us a true picture of the world, but we have no absolute proof of that. We could be part of a vast computer program like in the film The Matrix. We have to weigh the alternatives against the evidence available. I believe in God, but this is not blind faith; it is based on my experience of His work in my life, the historicity of the Bible and philosophical considerations. Likewise I believe in creation rather than evolution, because I think the evidence fits creation better than evolution. It is irrational to hold beliefs not based on evidence, but this does not mean belief is irrational per se, since no-one can avoid having beliefs. Not believing in God is just as much a belief as believing in God. Believing in evolution is also a belief, because you cannot prove what happened in the past, you can only interpret the evidence, and this interpretation will be based on your beliefs, e.g. whether you belive God could have been involved in creation.

As for being anti-abortion and pro-death penalty, an unborn child has done nothing to deserve death, whereas a murderer has broken God's law and so deserves to die. This is justice. However, even a murderer can gain eternal life by repenting and accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour, which we all need to do, as we all break God's law.

Belief in God is important, because it affects our eternal destiny.

2:10 AM  

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