Sunday, May 29, 2005

US - unconventional detention

Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers has called Guantanamo Bay a "model facility" and has objected To Amnesty's tag of "the American Gulag". After all, he says, you can't just release people who will might "turn right around and try to slit our throats, our children's throats?". Will such straight talking silence the tea-sipping liberals out there ?. Senator John McCain - not a known tea-sipper - has his doubts, and says he will be trying to get Congress to hold hearings on how prisoners are handled, for the practical reason that it may be damaging the image of the US abroad more from the LA Times... This was a point picked up in a lengthy article in the US media last year more from the Washington Monthly.. which noted that many career officers objected to the decision not to apply the Geneva convention as putting US soldiers lives at risk in future conflicts - by both making the enemy less likely to surrender (for fear of being tortured) and more likely to mistreat US captives in return. The contrast with the first Gulf War, with thousands of prisoners taken, and little abuse reported, seems glaring.


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