Saturday, April 09, 2005

Japan - women's work.

Japan's falling birth rate has long been a cause for concern, but the role of modern women is complicated by familiar work-life balance issues. None of the incentives offered by the state seem to be working so how about copying Singapore with a tax rebate for foreign nannies ?. Maybe there are deeper problems to be overcome (like men for example). An interesting comparison in the Japanese media sees one journalist wishing to a child in Japan but a women in Singapore more from the Asahi Shimbun... More serious procreative issues are present though, like getting around to consummating your marriage. Women who have concentrated on their career before marrying are finding their prospects of family life hampered by husbands who prefer work, call-girls or pornography (in that order) to actually having sex with their wives. Creating a sex industry for desperate virgin brides doesn't seem like the answer though more from the Guardian...


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